Route Planning Passage #2: Turks and Caicos
We will depart Nassau with the crew that will go to the Turks and Caicos. This passage will be one of the longer ones on this endeavor, So we'll have to make sure we're well fit when we depart, and our crew are ready to go. We'll still have quite a few stops, and the journey will be broken down into manageable chunks, but there's quite a bit of distance to travel.

Initial Plans for passage 2 are roughly 2 days, 12 hours worth of sailing at an average speed of 8 knots (ambitious). This means roughly 60 hours worth of sailing, if it were a straight line. My intent is not to overnight passage, so I expect this passage will take ~14 days. Here is a link to the passage map.
Should I split this into 2 planned passages?

Passage 1 is to prove that this is doable. I expect it to be easy for people to come visit/meet up Miami to Bahamas, but Nassau to Turks and Caicos is a huge endeavor, and probably the toughest of these passages. Its designed to be this way. Each step after this passage is easier, so I can either bear down and get through it or try to break it up. If I just push myself and whatever crew is brave enough to attempt this trail of thorns passage, we can spend a fair amount of time in Turks and Caicos recovering and enjoying the remainder of the time block.
Upon Arrival in Turks and Caicos, we'll plan to spend 10 days there. I'll put in some timeline and information on this leg of the journey later.